(216) 731-7060

About Jay Dee Cleaners

Jay Dee Cleaners is a full service dry cleaners servicing the Euclid area since 1946. We pride ourselves on giving our customers a great product. We use state of the art cleaning and pressing equipment. Since 1946 The Sabo family has been providing the Cleveland area with excellent Dry Cleaning Service. Owners, the late Geza, and Dave Sabo with Dave's three sons, John, Luke and Paul, have built a solid reputation as Cleveland’s most trusted dry cleaners. The Sabo’s are committed to providing quality service to the community. They believe that a reputation as an honest and reliable business is the recipe for success. While others seek to profit by cutting corners, or recommending unnecessary services to customers, the Sabo’s believe that a good reputation and consistent service will reap bigger profits in the long run. By being trustworthy, the Sabo’s believe that they will enjoy a long term profitable business that serves the community.